If you are in crisis or need immediate assistance please call 911, use the emergency department, or reach out to the National Crisis Line 988
For all other inquiries:
Phone: (253) 528-3242 Please leave your name and a good phone number so I can return your call.
Email: contact@drlaweryson.com
When sending email, I kindly ask that you only provide necessary information for scheduling. Although I make great efforts and follow HIPAA standards, I cannot always guarantee confidentiality over email. We can then talk more in-depth about your issues when speaking over the phone.
It is important to acknowledge that Dr. Annie Laweryson, PLLC runs and operates on the traditional homelands of the Puyallup Tribe. We acknowledge the significance of this land as well as the ongoing stewardship provided by the Puyallup and Salish People. We are committed to promoting, uplifting, and honoring the voices of the Coast Salish People as well as other Indigenous People, especially within the field of psychology.
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